4Té Inc.

377 Dalhousie St, Suite 301
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1N 9N8


Team Leaders

Tzoofit Hammer

Principal,  Designer
Origin: Jerusalem, Israel

A proud partner at 4té, Tzoofit leads the company's Business Development and Client Relations and has managed many successful interior design projects in the government and private sectors. Not only is she exceptionally multi-talented, grounded and focused, but she is also respected for her proactive approach to planning and impeccable organizational skills.

With every project, our team and clients alike benefit from Tzoofit’s candid and outspoken recommendations and strong focus on results. In the face of unexpected challenges, she can be counted on to deliver quick-thinking solutions.

As a vibrantly positive and resiliently resourceful person both professionally and personally, Tzoofit is valued in all that she does.

Tzoofit arrived in Canada in 1997, abandoning the beautiful Mediterranean beaches where she grew up to embrace the harsh Canadian winters—and since joining our team in 2000, 4té is all the better for it!

She has many areas of interest outside of work, but if you really want to pique her interest, she loves food and cooking; travel, art and books (especially crime detective and whodunit novels); cats (George Michael & London) and last but definitely not least -- George Michael.